giovedì 13 novembre 2014

A yummy job!

Certi lavori non dovrebbero capitarti quando sei a dieta!

There are some jobs you shouldn't accept when you're on a diet!

giovedì 2 ottobre 2014

Welcome Davide!

E Davide arrivò.. il 19 giugno, il giorno del mio trentesimo compleanno. Mentre ero incinta avevo già  preparato le bomboniere e ovviamente l'illustrazione (poteva non esserci un pulcino in questa occasione?) per il bigliettino.

Secondo voi quale ho scelto? 

Lo scoprirete nel prossimo post :)

And then Davide came...on the 19th of june, just like my birthday (my thirtieth). When I was pregnant I had already begun making favors and the accompanying image for the thank-you cards, too (couldn't it be a baby chick for such an occasion?).

Which one do you think I chose?

You will find out in the next post :)

giovedì 12 giugno 2014

Di trasloco reale e trasloco virtuale.

Yep, I got a new blog. And a new floor in the house.

I started checking old posts the same way I did with dresses and coat, so inspiration came to me.

I've also decided to rescue the old plan to give an illustration to every post. They're about 150... that means 150 easy-&-quick illustrations. Not so sure to do it, but i'll try :)

Here's the link to my post (only italian language.. sorry!):

domenica 1 giugno 2014

We're waiting for Davide!

Yes, our Davide is coming!
He should arrive around 24th June, just five days after my birthday :) Me and my love can't wait to hug him!!!